Thursday, 9 June 2022

P1, Describing an existing AD campaign


  Aims and target audience                                                                                                                        the target audience for lucozade is for anyone at any age as advertised when the agency say's "Yours, Theirs, The Universe's". However the main target audience for lucozade is particularly athletic people as the drink is an energy drink that has glucose in "perfect for athletes".

 This advert was also produced based on the England Women's National football team in 2019 which marked the start of female empowerment through football. Women's football at this level is great for girls to be inspired to play football and aspire to play at that level. 

Key messages

The message "We Are All Made To Move" was made to encourage people to stay active and play sport, the message we are all made to move may encourage people that don't already exercise to start and because lucosade has glucose in (the bodies natural energy source) people will buy it to stay energised.

this advert is an example of above the line marketing this is because the advert was on tv and was for a wide target audience .

The lucosade advert "We Are All  Made To Move" was represented through sport mainly football during a football match with women wearing coloured bibs playing for women's England football team. the advert featured Lucy Bronze who won the Ballon D'or in 2019

This campaign shows that women are welcomed in male dominated sports and that they should be showed the same respect as males in the same field and inspires young women to start playing football and try to reach a high level as shown in the advert. 

This advert would have cost a lot of money and will have been very challenging to create yet there are some major benefits such as inspiring the female youth to want to play football and use lucosade as there drink of choice this could also be said by the use of Lucy Bronze.

Choice of media
Lucosade decided to do a audio and video advertisement this enables it to be played on live television and on adverts for websites such as you tube and twitch and could even be played on the radio. this widens the distribution of the advertisement which would gain the product more publicity and would bring in more revenue. 

Call to action
The message "we are all made to move" explains that if you are being active but are not drinking lucosade/ lucosade sport that you are at a disadvantage, encouraging people to buy the drink. 

Relative legal and ethical issues
lucosade is encouraging people to use there product however you can become addicted and it can be detrimental to peoples health, this is because of the high amount of sugar that the drink contains it can cause problems such as obesity and hart problems. 

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Unit 20 P2

 this is my photo that i photo shopped so that it looks more menacing this will be used as my horror film poster 

scary movies Ltd

    The movie will be called The Hunt, it will be about a crazed killer that goes on the hunt for people while students are on a trip in a foreign country. 

   The movies Protagonist will be a masked killer who finds ways to blend into the public stalking his "prey" learning there movements and there patterns in order to get a clean kill (however the kills eventually get sloppy) . 

     Shot types to be used

  • Extreme close ups will be used to exaggerate characters fear and sometimes show despair and helplessness during murder scenes and near death portions of the movie 
  • Mid range shots will get a lot of space in view of the camera getting shots of the killer mid-murder and showing him stalking his prey at a distance 
  • Use of over the shoulder shots will show the characters point of view during conversation, this can also show the carelessness/ cluelessness of some characters as the killer gets closer sometimes even within reach. 
     Type of product

  •  This product will be advertised on billboards and busses as a horror film 
  • It will be on newspapers and some magazines 
  • Will be on demand on Disney+ and Netflix
  • Will be shown on adverts on TV.

  • This product will be developed on Photoshop, On which posters and movie covers have been made 
  • In-Design will also be used to create thumbnails and newspaper spreadsheets 

  • Purpose of this film will be to entertain and  


I used Photoshop to add Alex grey pace to a piece of his art I did this by selecting Alex's face with the lasso tool and then pasted it in place of the forward facing face I then used the smudge tool to smoothed  the edges, I then used the stamp tool to make it blend in further by adding bits of the art to his face 

M1, Evaluate different media AD campaigns.

  I then wrote about the films in detail and the content of the story i did this so i could see the main things needed for a horror film of any kind,
i did this because i am making a poster of my own horror movie 

Monday, 25 April 2022

P1, Describing an existing media AD campaign.

      at the beginning i chose 10 films and wrote about there release date directors and other information seen below 

Thursday, 3 February 2022


                                                    The work done today a formative